Hey, is this song on repeat?



Hey! Call me Lor!

I'm 23 and a college graduate with degrees in German and Interdisciplinary Studies (Inequality in Germany Post-Reunification)! I'm soon about to start on my Masters in theater!

Feel free to talk with me on my posts! I really want to meet people that love MXTX! I tend to delete more replies than I send, but I am trying to get better!

(Also why the lobsters on my intro post? They are actually kind of a play on my last name!)


Hmm...Well in my free time I cosplay! I've been cosplaying for about ten years!

Recently I have repicked up drawing and writing! Mostly I've been drawing for MDZS, but slowly moving on to SV and TGCF!

(Also I really like memes...yea...)


Oh yes!

I am currently in the midst of reading/watching MDZS! Afterwards, I'll be starting SV, then once I'm pretty far into that I'll begin TGCF!

I'm also planning on starting 2ha as well! I just keep getting distracted....


I like to have my twitters be kind of one theme, so here are links to my other twitters! My other sites are there as well!

Art Only (Various): @bitterboba
Private (Mutuals Please!): @bobasprinkles
Gaming/Other Fandoms: @sirgacha

CuriousCat: Here!
AO3 (Multi-Fandom): icedtears
AO3 (MXTX): lotusdepths